Check Engine Light Service in Gainesville, FL
Many drivers consider the check engine light turning on a dreadful experience, mostly because usually you cannot determine right away exactly what the problem is. It could be anything from a loose gas cap to serious engine troubles that could require repairs. So, whenever you see it flashing on your dashboard, the best policy would be to take your car or truck to a team of capable auto technicians and let them look into the issue.
In the Gainesville area, such a team can be found at Advanced Auto Care Center. The extensive automotive experience and the certifications and knowledge they possess make our mechanics confident that they can solve any repair problem in a fast and professional manner. They will do this by connecting your vehicle to a computer using the latest diagnostics software on the market, thus getting you back on the road in no time. Once we figure out the issue at hand, we provide you with a complete estimate of our recommendations for your approval before moving forward. We believe in complete transparency and honesty here at our shop.
While our team is working on your car, truck, or SUV, you can enjoy the comfort of our clean and spacious waiting area. Watching TV or surfing the net thanks to the free Wi-Fi connection we supply, you can have some coffee and water, too. We also stand behind our work with an outstanding warranty, covering qualified repairs for up to 3 years or 36,000 miles.
So if you need top-tier check engine light service in Gainesville, FL or the surrounding communities, feel free to call Advanced Auto Care Center right away. You can also schedule an appointment online or visit our top-rated service shop at 635 N.W. 13th Street Suite B, Gainesville, FL 32601. We can’t wait to deliver the quality service you and your vehicle deserve!