Posted on 6/28/2021
Whether you drive a newer model or roll with an old beauty queen, it will eventually require a tune-up after a long period of regular use. Well, a vehicle tune-up service might mean different things to different drivers and car owners. To some people, a tune-up is a part of regular maintenance, which entails a comprehensive inspection to ensure that every component is working well. For others, this service involves an engine tune-up and replacing a series of components to enhance car performance. Whichever the case, the aim is to ensure that everything performs as expected, keeping your car healthy and running smoothly. Here are some of the telltale signs that your car is due for a tune-up: Car Starting Problems Problems when starting your car mean a few things. For starters, it can indicate a weak or dead battery or a damaged fuel pump. It can also signify ignition problems. Reduced Gas Mileage Are you filling your pump more times than usual? Well, you might be dealing with ... read more